Monday, June 2, 2008

Isis - Click - It's a Wonderful Life

Link to Video:

Props to Fish for pointing out this vid as well as a few other old-school Marvel characters. I can't believe that I actually used to watch this junk as a kid (OK, maybe I can).

Anyway, it just dawned on me that we may have stumbled upon at least 50% of the inspiration for the recent Adam Sandler movie, "Click." Think about it: put George Bailey in today's world and give him a remote control that lets him do Isis-like things with time. What you end up with is a much better movie than one would typically expect out of good ol' Mr. Sandler.

FWIW, while I'm glad they didn't try to put Sandler in a gold tunic and costume jewelry, I wouldn't have minded it if they'd put Kate Beckinsale in that outfit. I'm just saying...

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